Making Pagefind Work on Sveltekit

27 Jun 2024 (Updated: 10 Jul 2024)

I like Pagefind, there’s something about just having a simple js library that works instead of having to do tons of stuff backend for Meilisearch. Unlike for Astro, where there’s a package that does everything, there’s some config to do for Sveltekit and I didn’t find anything.

This is how I eventually got it to work.

  1. Use Vite-plugin-pagefind – check out the site for more documentation, but basically ensures that the pagefind files are available after build.

  2. Don’t overthink the pagefind.json you’ll need to create:

    // pagefind.json
        "site": "build",
        "vite_plugin_pagefind": {
                "assets_dir": "static",
                "build_command": "npm run build",
                "dev_strategy": "eager"
  3. Add pagefind() to vite.config.js, I had success as the first entry.

    // vite.config.js
    import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
    import { enhancedImages } from '@sveltejs/enhanced-img';
    import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
    import pagefind from 'vite-plugin-pagefind'; 
    export default defineConfig({
    	plugins: [pagefind(), enhancedImages(), sveltekit()], 
  4. Add it to the route +page.svelte file,

    // src/routes/search/+page.svelte
        import { onMount } from 'svelte';
        onMount(async () => {
            const pagefind = await import('/pagefind/pagefind.js');
            new PagefindUI({
                element: '#search',
                showImages: false,
                resetStyles: true,
                autofocus: true,
    <link href="/pagefind/pagefind-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <div id="search"></div>
  5. Added the relevant pagefind-ui.js and pagefind-ui.css imports to app.html and app.css respectively. It worked even if I dumped everything into app.html, I just found it neater to separate them.

  6. Change handleHttpError to ‘warn’. Without doing this Cloudflare Pages was complaining about pagefind-ui.css being missing and this killed the build process. The package makes sure it’s there after build.

    // svelte.config.js
    import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static';
    import { vitePreprocess } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte';
    /** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
    const config = {
    	kit: {
    		adapter: adapter(),
    		prerender: { handleHttpError: 'warn' },
    	preprocess: vitePreprocess(),
    export default config;
  7. Next we need to process the URLs of the search results. Pagefind adds a .html to the results and that caused 404 errors for me. So let’s go back to +page.svelte to add this (credit to the plugin author’s suggestion to me):

    // src/routes/search/+page.svelte
        import { onMount } from 'svelte';
        onMount(async () => {
            // @ts-expect-error - Pagefind will be present at runtime
            const pagefind = await import('/pagefind/pagefind.js');
            new PagefindUI({
                element: '#search',
                showImages: false,
                resetStyles: true,
                autofocus: true,
                // showSubResults is false by default, setting it to true causes duplicate results
                processResult: (result) => { 
                    const url = result.url.replace('.html', ''); 
                    result.url = url; 
                    return result; 
  8. That’s all, actually.

Tags: SvelteKitSvelteJSPagefindsearch
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