I'm a public servant trying to close gaps between policy, business, tech.


Studied Political Science at NUS.

I loved comparative & money politics. But I did lots of IR. 🥲


Webdev on-off since 2000s — PHP4 days, Wordpress, Javascript, Python frameworks

Building PCs, love building rigs for cheap, hate cable mgmt

Tech business & entrepreneurship, I like listening to people's ideas

Stable diffusion LORAs to get free Korean AI portraits


  • All-In Podcast
  • Primeagen
  • Theo
  • Fireship
  • Syntax
  • Lenny's Podcast
  • Olivio Sarikas

Doing web dev helps my work.

Opportunities, Gaps

I get to spot opportunities and gaps in systems, ideas and processes. I'm no genius - I often just apply things I gleaned from what product leaders, engineers, tech influencers put out online.

I have Hacker News, Reddit, daily.dev, and Youtube to thank.

What It Takes

I more deeply understand technical complexities, trade-offs, best practices, and a reasonable "definition of done".

Much of it I owe to the collective wisdom of open-source communities to tackle intricate challenges.

Cost Cynicism

I challenge cost estimates and estimating development timelines. We shouldn't be spending money if it doesn't get good outcomes in a cost effective way.

Blank Space

There's no fourth point, but for the sake of balance ChatGPT's writing more. This is an ostensibly verbose sentence, meticulously crafted to occupy space while eschewing any substantive content.

I've worked for 11 years in the public service. Here's a breakdown.

Tech (51%)

Service Delivery Tech Team Lead

Manage products, tech consultancy for citizen & employee services.

Tech Infra Policy Team Lead

Policies & funding for cloud, on-prem hosting, SG Tech Stack, endpoint devices, dev toolchains.

Comms Tech Team Lead

Developed & bought media analytic products. Led investments in NLP & CV research.

Comms (28%)

Media Relations Officer

Managed media and collaborated on unpaid features of MINDEF & SAF.

Comms Strategist

Crafted comms campaigns and strategies.


Policy (21%)

NS Policy Officer

Did NS policies for sportsmen, leave, citizenship, exit control. Worked in Committee to Strengthen NS.

I enjoy side projects.
Build things, try new tools.

From Python's grip I boldly flew,
To JavaScript's wild, noisy crew,
Typescript calms the frenzied code,
But Go's sweet whispers tempt the road.
